An Alabama community is grieving after the death of a high school quarterback who sustained a brain injury during the school’s season opener on Friday night, according to statements from school officials and the teenager’s family.

Caden Tellier was rushed to the hospital in critical condition following a head injury during John T. Morgan Academy’s game against Southern Academy in Selma, officials reported Friday. His death was announced the following day.

Tellier was 16 years old, according to CNN affiliate WSFA. The school’s headmaster, Bryan Oliver, confirmed to that Tellier was an organ donor.

In a statement on Saturday, Caden Tellier’s parents said, “Our son, Caden Tellier, has now met Jesus face to face. Those who knew Caden experienced his kindness, generosity, and love. True to his nature, he is giving of himself one final time.”

His parents' statement read, “His life has touched many, and now, through his passing, lives will be saved.

According to data from the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, there were 16 football-related deaths in 2023, including seven high school players.

Among these deaths, three were due to traumatic brain injuries: two in high school football and one in youth league, all occurring during games. The remaining deaths in 2023 were attributed to exertional or medical causes, including heat stroke, sudden cardiac arrest, and pulmonary embolism.

The Tellier family has announced that a service will be scheduled soon. Meanwhile, Morgan Academy officials have suspended all school activities for the week, according to the school association.

By early Monday, a GoFundMe campaign to assist with the family’s medical and other expenses had raised over $76,000.